LearningRx1 April, 2019 | http://www.learningrx.org

AI can diagnose PTSD by analyzing voices

Apr 30, 2019 by

Advances in technology are helping veterans with PTSD thanks to some new artificial intelligence that can analyze voices. The computer program can help diagnose PTSD and may lead to new approaches in telemedicine....

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Brain wiring is different in children with conduct disorder

Apr 28, 2019 by

Children with severe antisocial behaviors—also known as conduct disorder—may be wired different than kids without it. New research found that the writing between the brain’s emotional centers has distinctively different pathways in young people with the condition....

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Sugar going into the brain during septic shock causes memory loss...

Apr 24, 2019 by

Survivors of septic shock often experience memory loss and decreased cognitive function and now researchers might understand why. New research found that during septic shock, sugar is released into the blood stream and enters the brain. The sugar disrupts...

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Women’s brains appear three years younger than men’s

Apr 20, 2019 by

Washington University School of Medicine researchers studying brain metabolism found that women’s brain appear to be three years younger than men’s brains. This might be why women typically maintain their cognitive skills longer than men....

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Damage to brain may continue after sobriety

Apr 16, 2019 by

For people with alcohol use disorder, researchers found that the harmful effects of alcohol on the brain may continue during abstinence. Specifically, the research team found that the brain’s white matter continues to occur damage in the first six...

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Reminders of coffee may perk up brain

Apr 12, 2019 by

A team of researchers exploring the psychological effects of coffee found that for people who grew up in a Western culture thought in more precise terms and felt that time went by faster after being shown coffee-related cues. The...

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