LearningRx1 June, 2016 | http://www.learningrx.org

Kids whose families move more may have declines in academic performance...

Jun 30, 2016 by

A study of 19,162 children found that those who moved households frequently had declines in grades and higher rates of emotional and behavioral problems....

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Having clever friends and a smart spouse can raise your IQ

Jun 29, 2016 by

James Flynn, author of “Does Your Family Make You Smarter?” suggests that the best way to boost your IQ is to marry someone clever, find an intellectually challenging job and hang out with bright people....

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Musical play appears to help babies learn language skills

Jun 28, 2016 by

Research on 9-month-old babies found that those who practiced banging out a rhythm—vs. playing with toys—during a series of play sessions showed more brain activity in regions of the brain related to learning language....

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Boys who live with books found to earn more as adults

Jun 27, 2016 by

Italian researchers have found a strong correlations between the earnings of men and whether they grew up surrounded by books as children....

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Study says running barefoot boosts memory and improves cognitive skills...

Jun 26, 2016 by

A University of Florida study suggests that running barefoot is better than running in shoes to improve working memory....

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People who are constantly busy may have better cognitive skills...

Jun 25, 2016 by

A new study published in “Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience” suggests that keeping a busy schedule may translate into superior brain-power over the long term....

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