LearningRx1 February, 2022 | http://www.learningrx.org

Lower Math Scores in High Schools That Switched to 4-Day Weeks...

Feb 24, 2022 by

In what some might consider a surprising result, a study analyzing the impact of a shorter school week for high schoolers found that 11th-graders performed worse on standardized math tests when they switched from a 5-day school week to...

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VR Shopping Task Could Help Test for Cognitive Decline

Feb 22, 2022 by

New research published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research indicates that a virtual reality test may offer an effective means of assessing cognitive function. The test has participants “go to the shops” and the results have helped researchers...

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Improving Reading Skills Through Action Video Games

Feb 17, 2022 by

Scientists at the University of Geneva have found that a particular action video game for children helped them improve reading abilities after just 12 hours of training. The gains persisted over time to the point that language school grades...

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10-Minute Run Boosts Brain Function and Improves Mood

Feb 15, 2022 by

A new study out of Japan has found that running for just 10 minutes improves blood flow in the prefrontal cortex and improves mood. In addition, the short session appears to improve the brain’s executive function, which includes attention,...

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The Link Between ADHD and Stuttering

Feb 10, 2022 by

Experts estimate that approximately 45% of children with ADHD also have a form of speech or language impairment, likely due to physical differences in the brain. Research has identified a correlation between reduced blood flow to Broca’s area and...

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Exercise “Sweet Spot” Reverses Cognitive Decline in Mice...

Feb 8, 2022 by

A new study out of Australia discovered that there’s an exercise “sweet spot” that reverses cognitive decline in aging mice. In the experiments, mice who ran for 35 days had noticeable effects on learning because the exercise led to...

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