LearningRx1 August, 2018 | http://www.learningrx.org

How young you feel may reflect the true age of your brain

Aug 20, 2018 by

A new study found that older participants who reported feeling younger than their biological age had better scores in memory tests than their peers and were less likely to feel depressed and more likely to feel optimistic about their...

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Anesthesia may decrease memory, cognitive skills in adults 70+...

Aug 17, 2018 by

A study published in the British Journal of Anesthesia has found that in adults over 70, anesthesia may decrease memory and cognitive skills....

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Left-cradling bias linked to better social cognitive abilities in children...

Aug 14, 2018 by

A new study from City, University of London found that children who cradle dolls on the left tend to show higher social cognitive abilities than those who do not....

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ADHD drugs do not improve cognition in healthy college students...

Aug 11, 2018 by

New research from the University of Rhode Island has found that not only are healthy college students who take ADHD medications failing to see improved cognition, but also the meds may actually impair functioning....

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ADHD diagnosis for adults can take seven years in the UK

Aug 8, 2018 by

A new report by the BBC says that some adults wait more than seven years to be diagnosed with ADHD because of huge waiting lists. Estimates are that 1.5 million adults in the UK have ADHD, but only 120,000...

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New algorithm uses brain scan to tell how smart you are

Aug 5, 2018 by

Scientists at Caltech have developed a new machine-learning algorithm that can predict a person’s IQ with incredible accuracy based on their brain activity patterns....

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