LearningRx1 February, 2013 | http://www.learningrx.org

Researchers find cause of cognitive decline

Feb 12, 2013 by

Scientists from the German Cancer Research Center found that if Dickkopf-1 (a signaling molecule) is turned off, significantly more neurons are generated in the brains of older mice. With the gene turned off, even mice in advanced adult age...

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Meds don’t benefit preschoolers with ADHD

Feb 11, 2013 by

Six years after being diagnosed with ADHD as preschoolers, about 90% of kids in one study still struggled with impulse control, over-activity or inattentiveness – despite treatment (medication for 2/3 of them)....

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How meditation can physically alter the brain

Feb 11, 2013 by

More proof that mental training can change not just the function of the brain, but also the structure. Brain scans taken during meditation show that there are different patterns of activity depending on the person’s level of experience and...

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Brain abnormalities found in veterans with TBIs

Feb 11, 2013 by

A study of soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan found that those with mild TBIs have measurable abnormalities in the white matter of their brains compared to those without TBIs. One study author referred to the abnormalities as “potholes”...

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New neuroassessment device uses stylus and tablet

Feb 10, 2013 by

A new rapid neuroassessment device can quantitatively measure neuromuscular performance using a stylus to follow a moving target around a circle on a computer tablet. Taking into account age, gender and handedness, each person’s deviations from the circular path...

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New insight into learning and memory

Feb 8, 2013 by

A new study the Montreal Neurological Institute says that DCC (a receptor for a crucial protein in the nervous system) plays a big role in regulating brain plasticity. When DCC is absent, there is memory loss similar to that...

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