LearningRx1 July, 2015 | http://www.learningrx.org

New understanding of how the brain processes visual info

Jul 31, 2015 by

Scientists have found evidence that neurons in the prefrontal cortex of the brain begin processing information in anticipation of where we’re going to look – even before we actually look there....

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Brain region that perceives the combination of color and motion identified...

Jul 29, 2015 by

Scientists at the University of Chicago have zeroed in on an area of the brain that shifts in sensitivity toward different colors and directions, depending on what the person is paying attention to....

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Gamers may learn visual tasks faster

Jul 27, 2015 by

Brown University researchers have found that gaming not only improves your visual skills, but it also appears to improve the learning ability for those skills....

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For reading, auditory processing trumps visual processing

Jul 24, 2015 by

A University of Buffalo professor’s research indicates that concentrating on word sounds over visual processing during reading instruction or when treating dyslexia is vital....

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The brain’s of ASD youth with hypersensitivity react differently...

Jul 22, 2015 by

UCLA researchers using fMRIs found that the brains youth on the autism spectrum who were more sensitive to sensory stimuli react different than autistic children without the extra sensitivity....

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IQ as we age linked to spotting things quickly

Jul 20, 2015 by

Researchers in the UK tested the visual processing of people at ages 70, 73 and 76 and found that those whose visual processing was the fastest were more likely to stay mentally acute later in life....

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