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Foster care raises child’s risk of ADHD

Jan 6, 2017 by

New findings published in Pediatrics have found that children who have been in foster care have a much greater risk of mental and physical health problems, including learning disabilities like ADHD, asthma, obesity and depression, compared to children who...

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Teen’s with weak working memory more likely to engage in risky sex...

Jul 3, 2015 by

For teens between 12 and 15, decreased working memory was linked to early sexual activity and unprotected sex....

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Teen drinking impacts memory and learning long term

Jun 22, 2015 by

Adolescents who drink heavily may cause long-lasting damage to a part of the brain that deals with memory and learning....

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New study helps diagnose concussions in youth athletes

Apr 3, 2015 by

Canadian researchers studied 50 adolescents (15 with concussions) and found that although standard neuropsychological tests showed no significant differences between the two groups, fMRIs measuring brain activity during a navigational memory test could tell the difference....

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Teen binge drinking changes the brain long term

Dec 24, 2014 by

There’s new evidence that binge drinking during adolescence can have a negative effect on brain function later in life....

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Teens’ concussion symptoms tell a story

Aug 31, 2014 by

A new study indicates that teens who have experienced a concussion then become more sensitive to noise or light may be more likely to have emotional symptoms....

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