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Researchers activate problem-solving during sleep

Dec 19, 2019 by

In a fascinating new piece of research, scientists were able to get study participants solve puzzles in their sleep. The researchers had participants solve part a puzzle while listening to a unique sound. While the volunteers slept, the scientists...

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Menstruation cycles change the way problem-solving is approached...

Nov 3, 2016 by

Research published in Psychoneuroendocrinology found that hormone levels don’t reduce or increase a female’s ability to solve problems. However, dependent on the phase of their menstrual cycle, female rats will use one type of memory system or strategy versus...

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Humans’ and birds’ brains wired similarly

Aug 19, 2013 by

New research mapping the typical bird brain showed how similar they are to the typical human brain. Regions of the brain that deal with high-level cognition (e.g. long-term memory and problem solving) are wired to other areas of the...

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