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Huntington’s gene plays big role in long-term memory

Sep 13, 2014 by

Neurologists have discovered that the “Huntington’s gene” plays an important role in normal long-term memory....

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Researchers find proteins needed to form long-term memories

Oct 14, 2013 by

Researchers have been able to pinpoint the proteins–called Wnts– that are essential to form long-term memories. The proteins send signals into the cell....

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Humans’ and birds’ brains wired similarly

Aug 19, 2013 by

New research mapping the typical bird brain showed how similar they are to the typical human brain. Regions of the brain that deal with high-level cognition (e.g. long-term memory and problem solving) are wired to other areas of the...

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Neurobiologists find “switch” for long-term memory...

Jul 29, 2013 by

Researchers have identified calcium in the cell nucleus as the “switch” that forms long-term memories. The theory is that the “switch” may not work as well as we age. This discovery may open new treatment ideas for age-related changes...

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