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Girls whose grandmother smoked may be more likely to develop autism...

Sep 4, 2017 by

A new study published in Scientific Reports indicates that if a girl’s maternal grandmother smoked during her pregnancy, she is more likely to develop autistic traits....

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LearningRx reviews study on memory and “pink noise”...

Sep 2, 2017 by

The background noise we hear in everyday environments, known as “pink noise,” appears to enhance the quality of deep sleep in adults. It also improves their memory....

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Protein in umbilical cord blood may restore the aging brain

Aug 31, 2017 by

Older mice that were injected with human umbilical cord blood had boosted brain function. A specific protein in the plasma may prove to be useful in drug development....

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LearningRx reviews study on PTSD meds and dementia risk

Aug 29, 2017 by

Depending on the medications they’re taking, patients with PTSD may be at a higher risk of dementia. This is especially true if they are taking psychotropic medications....

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LearningRx reviews study on childhood heart disease and later cognition...

Aug 27, 2017 by

There’s new evidence that cardiovascular risk factors from childhood and adolescence is associated with worse midlife cognition, regardless of smoking, cholesterol or high blood pressure in adulthood....

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Immune reaction to viruses may cause learning and memory problems...

Aug 23, 2017 by

A study published online in Nature Medicine found that the body’s immune reaction to viruses, such as HIV and the flu, may cause memory and learning problems....

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