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Improving Reading Skills Through Action Video Games

Feb 17, 2022 by

Scientists at the University of Geneva have found that a particular action video game for children helped them improve reading abilities after just 12 hours of training. The gains persisted over time to the point that language school grades...

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Star cells in the brain render memory flexible

Jan 25, 2022 by

A team of researchers at the Center for Cognition and Sociality within the Institute for Basic Science in South Korea found that star-shaped cells called astrocytes regulate cognitive flexibility. This ability refers to the brain’s ability to learn new...

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Brain mechanisms involved in learning also drive social conformity...

Jan 13, 2022 by

Research reported in the journal Psychophysiology has shown that the same brain systems known to play a role in learning from trial and error are also engaged when people conform to social norms. This indicates that changing your behavior...

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Listening to favorite music improves brain plasticity

Dec 30, 2021 by

Two Toronto-based research facilities teamed up to study the effects of listening to your favorite music on plasticity. They found that repeated listening to “personally meaningful music” includes beneficial brain plasticity in patients with mild cognitive impairment or early...

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New brain hub for memory restoration identified

Dec 23, 2021 by

Researchers found they could increase memory-related brain activity and restore memory function in rats with MMT lesions by stimulating the anterior thalamus. The scientists hope this therapy could eventually help restore memory in humans with brain injury....

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New noninvasive surgery to remove faulty brain circuits

Dec 16, 2021 by

University of Virginia Health System researchers have developed a noninvasive method of removing faulty brain circuits. This could allow doctors to treat debilitating neurological diseases and disorders without cutting into the scalp....

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