LearningRx1 Brain Training | http://www.learningrx.org - Part 3

Neuroprotective treatment on mice with TBI reversed cognitive impairment...

Nov 10, 2020 by

Researchers from University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center have found that it may be possible to halt or slow neurodegeneration in TBI survivors. The scientists were able to pharmacologically reverse cognitive impairment in animal models....

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Community noise may affect dementia risk

Nov 5, 2020 by

A new study published in the journal Alzheimer’s & Dementia supports emerging evidence suggesting that noise may influence individuals’ risk of developing dementia later in life....

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Human born with brains ‘prewired’ for words

Nov 3, 2020 by

A team of researchers from Ohio State University reports that humans are born with a part of the brain that is prewired to be receptive to seeing words and letters, setting the state at birth for people to learn...

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New smartphone tool could diagnose stroke

Oct 29, 2020 by

Researchers from Penn State and Houston Methodist Hospital have created a tool that can diagnose a stroke based on abnormalities in a patients’ speech ability and facial muscular movements. It’s all done within minutes and reportedly has the same...

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Brain damage from sleep apnea and Alzheimer’s looks identical...

Oct 26, 2020 by

A team of researchers at the School of Health and Biomedical sciences at RMIT University found multiple similarities between Alzheimer’s and sleep apnea in terms of brain damage. In both, plaques appear first in the same locations and spread...

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African American kids at higher odds for ADHD

Oct 13, 2020 by

A review of 21 published studies found that 14.5% of Black children had ADHD compared to only 9.4% of all U.S. children. The study also found racial disparities in terms of teachers reporting more symptoms for Black youth than...

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