LearningRx1 Teen/Young Adults | http://www.learningrx.org - Part 4

Boys’ and girls’ brains are affected by trauma differently...

Jan 26, 2017 by

A study of the brains of boys and girls between ages 9 and 17 found that there were differences in the fold in the brain that deals with emotion and homeostatsis. The volume and surface area of the anterior...

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Risk-taking behavior in teens caused by imbalanced brain activity...

Jan 10, 2017 by

For the first time, a new study links behavioral control and risk-taking in teens to a specific imbalance in brain function....

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Foster care raises child’s risk of ADHD

Jan 6, 2017 by

New findings published in Pediatrics have found that children who have been in foster care have a much greater risk of mental and physical health problems, including learning disabilities like ADHD, asthma, obesity and depression, compared to children who...

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Youth football players show brain changes after just one season...

Jan 4, 2017 by

Researchers have identified white matter changes in the brains of kids after head impacts in just one season of playing football—even when there was no diagnosis of concussion....

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Hypertension in teens and kids linked to poorer brain skills

Dec 29, 2016 by

Research published in The Journal of Pediatrics indicates that children and adolescents with high blood pressure may be at risk of weaker cognitive skills....

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How teens learn differently than adults

Dec 19, 2016 by

The results of research published in Neuron indicate that teens have a unique feature of their brain that allows them to learn and form memories via the coordinated activity of two distinct brain regions....

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What’s LearningRx? Watch the video!

Nov 23, 2016 by

What is LearningRx personal brain training and why does it work? LearningRx one-on-one brain training focuses on a set of seven cognitive skills that allow us to learn easier, think faster, and perform better: http://www.learningrx.com. This video explains what these...

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