LearningRx1 Dyscalculia | http://www.learningrx.org - Part 2

Scientists find the spot in the brain that activates with numerals...

Apr 19, 2013 by

Stanford University School of Medicine researchers figured out the exact spot in the brain (about 1/5″ across!) gets activated when we look at ordinary numerals (like 3 or 52). The activity declines when people are shown numbers that are...

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Math anxiety may cause physical pain

Nov 4, 2012 by

People who are anxious about math may experience physical pain and “instinctive risk detection.” That’s because math anxiety triggers regions of the brain associated with pain. In one study, these results were found on adults, so it’s not just...

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Why the brain has to choose between math and memory

Sep 6, 2012 by

Why does the brain have to choose between math and memory? The Posterior Medial Cortex (PMC) is very active in “introspective processes,” such as daydreaming or remembering what you had for breakfast. But when you pay attention to the...

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