LearningRx1 August, 2012 | http://www.learningrx.org - Part 3

Nutrition before age 2 affects IQ even at age 8

Aug 9, 2012 by

You are what you eat – so eat smart! There’s more evidence that good nutrition – even at a very young age – can affect IQ later. New research found that what children ate before two years of age...

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Vitamin D3 fights neurotoxic insults

Aug 5, 2012 by

They’re called “neurotoxic insults”  – things we drink, eat or smell that are toxic to the brain – and the best way to reduce their effects is with Vitamin D3. Even if you get plenty of sunlight and think...

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How your body alerts you of imbalances

Aug 4, 2012 by

Your body has several ways of alerting you to imbalances. Illness, such as a cold, is your immune system telling you things are awry. Exhaustion is your body telling you to slow down and rest. And mood fluctuations are...

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Kids with ADHD have development delay in prefrontal cortex

Aug 3, 2012 by

You peaked in high school! (Your prefrontal cortex, that is.) The National Institute of Health has found that kids with ADHD experience developmental delay in frontal regions of the brain. “Normal” kids hit 50% peak in the right prefrontal...

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Decluttering your house helps your brain

Aug 2, 2012 by

Need more motivation to declutter? Buying less stuff not only saves you money, but also may help your brain. That’s partially because it frees up money so you can do things, rather than buy things. And doing things –...

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Autobiographical memory means more white matter

Aug 1, 2012 by

It’s “Total Recall” meets “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly” for at least 33 people in the world who can recall every detail of their lives (since about age 10) perfectly. Recently, researchers found that those with autobiographical...

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