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Red dye 40 linked to ADHD

Mar 10, 2022 by

Although scientists have found that food dyes may increase ADHD symptoms by a small amount, some children appear to be more sensitive to their effects. Experts believe that synthetic color additives, including red dye 40, may cause behavioral changes...

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The Link Between ADHD and Stuttering

Feb 10, 2022 by

Experts estimate that approximately 45% of children with ADHD also have a form of speech or language impairment, likely due to physical differences in the brain. Research has identified a correlation between reduced blood flow to Broca’s area and...

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Long-term effects of ADHD medication

Dec 9, 2021 by

There’s more research that taking ADHD medication for an extended period of time can lead to physical and mental side effects. There is some evidence that ADHD medications may affect childhood development too, although more research needs to be...

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How yoga helps with ADHD

Nov 9, 2021 by

Multiple studies have shown that yoga appears to benefit people with ADHD by strengthening the prefrontal cortex. This part of the brain is responsible for decision making, planning and focus, skills that are often more difficult for people with...

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Understanding ADHD triggers

Sep 14, 2021 by

Scientists have found that there is a range of triggers (lifestyle factors and situations) that can trigger ADHD. These include mineral deficiencies, poor sleep, food additives, media and technology, and tasks requiring concentration....

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ADHD may be linked to some eye conditions

Aug 5, 2021 by

A review of children found a link between ADHD and some specific visual impairments, including astigmatic refractive error, convergence insufficiency and color perception issues....

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