LearningRx1 August, 2014 | http://www.learningrx.org

Teens’ concussion symptoms tell a story

Aug 31, 2014 by

A new study indicates that teens who have experienced a concussion then become more sensitive to noise or light may be more likely to have emotional symptoms....

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Seniors’ memories affected by distraction

Aug 30, 2014 by

Older people are twice as likely to have their cognitive processes — especially memory — impaired by distractions....

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Brain’s response to images predicts PTSD

Aug 29, 2014 by

Using fMRIs, neuroscientists discovered heightened reactions in the amygdala when people were shown emotional images were a risk factor for developing PTSD later....

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Brain cell transplant helps memory

Aug 28, 2014 by

Transplanting new brain cells into older mice alleviated the learning and memory deficits caused by apoE4, the most vital genetic risk factor in Alzheimer’s....

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Alzheimer’s drugs’ effect depend on severity

Aug 27, 2014 by

In a strange new finding, the drug bexarotene reduced amyloid-beta in mice with late-stage Alzheimer’s, but increased levels in the early stages of the disease....

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MedDiet’s effects on brain depend on race

Aug 26, 2014 by

In a first-of-its-kind study, researchers have discovered that the Mediterranean diet has different effects on cognitive decline depending on the person’s race....

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