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Office air quality may affect employees’ cognition and productivity...

Oct 21, 2021 by

New research led by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health has found that air quality within an office can have significant impacts on employees’ cognitive function. The skills affected include response times, focus and productivity....

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Desk jobs may lower cognitive decline risk

Aug 25, 2020 by

If you’re working at a desk all day, take note: New research indicates that a sedentary job may actually provide more protection from cognitive decline than more physical jobs....

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Chronic stress leads to memory loss

Apr 22, 2016 by

Ohio State University researchers have discovered that people who experience chronic stress from bullying or a tough job run a greater risk of short-term memory loss....

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Workplace solvents linked to later cognitive decline

Jun 9, 2014 by

New research published in the journal Neurology claims that people exposed to solvents (e.g., glue, paint and degreasers) at work may have an increased risk of developing thinking and memory problems later in life....

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Employment may improve autism symptoms

Feb 26, 2014 by

Adults with ASD who work in situations with inclusiveness and interaction tend to have measurable improvements in behavior and daily living skills....

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More companies adding brain training to wellness programs

Jan 7, 2013 by

A growing number of companies – like Aetna and Nationwide Insurance – are adding brain health options to their corporate wellness programs. Nationwide found that employees who underwent brain training had a 5% increase in positivity bias, 9% increase...

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