LearningRx1 women | http://www.learningrx.org - Part 2

Brain activity is higher in women

Oct 14, 2017 by

Researchers used functional neuroimaging to look at the brains of more than 26,000 adults and found that women have higher activity in several brain regions, including those associated with anxiety, mood and impulse control....

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New study shows women equal to men in spatial abilities

Jan 18, 2017 by

Despite decade of anecdotes saying otherwise, new findings indicate that women perform just as well as men on spatial reasoning tests when certain superficial aspects of the test were changed. For example, when instructions noted that the spatial reasoning...

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Verbal memory tests may not detect early Alzheimer’s in women...

Dec 11, 2016 by

A study published in Neurology has found that mild cognitive impairment in women may frequently be missed because they tend to perform better in tests of verbal memory skills....

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Brain tumor risk linked to higher education

Jul 20, 2016 by

A study from Sweden found that women who completed a minimum of three years of college courses were 23 percent more likely to be diagnosed with a type of cancerous brain tumor called glioma. Why? Perhaps because highly educated...

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Obesity associated with ADHD in females

Mar 18, 2016 by

Research published in “Mayo Clinic Proceedings” indicates that women with childhood ADHD have double the risk of developing obesity during childhood and adulthood, compared with females who don’t have ADHD....

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How estrogen affects memory

Jan 11, 2016 by

A research team has found that adding estrogen to female mouse brains boosts short-term learning....

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