LearningRx1 listening | http://www.learningrx.org

Friends who listen may help protect your memory and thinking skills...

Nov 23, 2021 by

Past studies have shown that socializing—especially for older adults—can help protect age-related cognitive decline. But a new study published in JAMA Network Open found that simply having friends who listen and support you can protect your memory and thinking...

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Reading and Listening Evoke Near Identical Activity in Brain

Sep 3, 2019 by

A new study published in the Journal of Neuroscience indicates that reading a story and listening to it both activate the same areas in the brain that determine the words’ semantics or meaning. The findings may help us better...

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Gender of speaker affects how the listener processing language...

Dec 30, 2013 by

Scientists from the University of Kansas found that the gender of the person speaking affected how quickly the listener identified the words grammatically....

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