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3D facial scans give genetic clues to autism

Oct 7, 2021 by

Researchers at Edith Cowan University used high-tech 3D facial scans to get a better understanding of the genetic causes of autism. The machine learning techniques analyze 5,000 points on faces to measure facial asymmetry in parents of children on...

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People with autism less surprised by the unexpected

Oct 22, 2017 by

A study of 24 adults with autism and 25 without, researchers found that those with autism were less surprised by unexpected images in a simple learning task than adults without it....

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Females with autism have greater struggles with daily tasks

Oct 6, 2017 by

Although autism disproportionately affects males, a new study on executive function found that females on the autism spectrum have unique challenges with routine tasks....

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Sensorimotor regions become over connected in children with autism...

May 11, 2015 by

Scientists have discovered that in children and adolescents with ASD, the connections between the cerebellum and cerebral cortex are overdeveloped in the sensorimotor regions of the brain....

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Brain imaging shows language development difference in kids with autism...

May 1, 2015 by

A study of infants and toddlers found that differences in their brains can tell who will develop along the autism spectrum with poor language abilities and who won’t....

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Imaging test for ASD in development

Feb 25, 2015 by

Scientists at Virginia Tech Carilion Research are developing a two-minute brain-imaging test that might be able to diagnose children with autism spectrum disorder....

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