LearningRx1 Nutrition | http://www.learningrx.org - Part 3

High blood pressure may be bigger dementia risk for women

Jun 15, 2021 by

Even after accounting for other risk factors, a new study found that hypertension was associated with a higher risk of dementia in women than in men....

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The best foods for a child’s brain development

Jun 8, 2021 by

Nutrition researchers have compiled a list of foods that are full of nutrients important for brain health. Adding these foods to your child’s diet may support healthy brain development and function....

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Brain changed by caffeine in utero

May 25, 2021 by

A team from the University of Rochester Medical Center found that caffeine consumption during pregnancy can change important brain pathways that could lead to behavioral problems later in life....

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The 13 factors that shape brain health

Mar 24, 2021 by

The American Heart Association has outlined a list of 13 crucial factors that affect the maintenance of cognitive abilities....

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Prolonged sedentary time linked to distractibility in overweight adults...

Mar 11, 2021 by

After tracking the activity levels of 89 adults who were obese or overweight, scientists found that those who were more sedentary were less able to overcome distractions....

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Regular caffeine intake can change brain’s gray matter

Mar 2, 2021 by

A team of researchers from the University of Basel have found that, although temporary, regular caffeine intake can physically change the gray matter of the brain....

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12 Foods to Boost Brain Function

Dec 28, 2020 by

Our brains use around 20% of our body’s calories but require specific nutrients to stay healthy. These include things like omega-3 fatty acids, which build and repair brain cells, as well as antioxidants, which reduce inflammation and cellular stress....

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