LearningRx1 ADHD | http://www.learningrx.org - Part 3

Untreated ADHD in adults

Mar 26, 2021 by

Most people don’t “outgrow” attention deficits and many adults with ADHD symptoms don’t receive a diagnosis of the condition. Without treatment, adults can see their work performance, mental health and relationships impacted by ADHD....

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Prolonged sedentary time linked to distractibility in overweight adults...

Mar 11, 2021 by

After tracking the activity levels of 89 adults who were obese or overweight, scientists found that those who were more sedentary were less able to overcome distractions....

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Ineffective ‘learning styles’ theory persists in education...

Mar 9, 2021 by

Swansea University research published a new review about the widespread belief that students should be taught according to their “learning style.” The team found that not only is the method ineffective, but it may also be harmful to learners....

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Model detects ADHD with 99% accuracy

Mar 4, 2021 by

University at Buffalo research have identified how brain connectivity can serve as a biomarker for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder....

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Yoga can increase readiness to learn

Feb 11, 2021 by

Studies from Tulane, Harvard and California State University of Fullerton have found that yoga programs can increase learning by helping children’s brains build neuroplasticity....

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Scientists discover brain region where serotonin boosts impulse control...

Feb 2, 2021 by

It appears, from new research, that two areas of the brain work together in response to serotonin to promote the ability to practice impulse control and wait patiently....

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ADHD medication overdoses rising in the U.S.

Jan 21, 2021 by

A new study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found that a growing number of younger kids are overdosing on stimulant medications commonly used to treat ADHD....

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