LearningRx1 Wendy Burt | http://www.learningrx.org - Part 3

The Link Between ADHD and Stuttering

Feb 10, 2022 by

Experts estimate that approximately 45% of children with ADHD also have a form of speech or language impairment, likely due to physical differences in the brain. Research has identified a correlation between reduced blood flow to Broca’s area and...

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Exercise “Sweet Spot” Reverses Cognitive Decline in Mice...

Feb 8, 2022 by

A new study out of Australia discovered that there’s an exercise “sweet spot” that reverses cognitive decline in aging mice. In the experiments, mice who ran for 35 days had noticeable effects on learning because the exercise led to...

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How Heart Health Affects Brain Health

Feb 3, 2022 by

The American Heart Association’s 2022 update to the Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics put emphasis on the bidirectional relationship between heart and brain health. For example, damage to the heart and blood vessels can increase a person’s risk of...

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The Role of Gut Bacteria on Dementia

Feb 1, 2022 by

Neurologists seem to be in agreement that the gut-brain axis plays a prominent role in cognitive health, especially when it comes to dementia. When microbes go through the digestive process, some of the byproducts enter the brain and affect...

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Star cells in the brain render memory flexible

Jan 25, 2022 by

A team of researchers at the Center for Cognition and Sociality within the Institute for Basic Science in South Korea found that star-shaped cells called astrocytes regulate cognitive flexibility. This ability refers to the brain’s ability to learn new...

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Brain activity patterns emerge during musical analysis

Jan 20, 2022 by

Researchers at the University of Tokyo used MRIs to look at the brains of secondary students during musical observation and found that students who had trained to play music from a young age had stronger activity in the areas...

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