LearningRx1 July, 2016 | http://www.learningrx.org - Part 2

Older adults with undiagnosed dementia might risk their safety...

Jul 18, 2016 by

Adults 65 and older who have dementia but don’t know it are nearly twice (than those who have been diagnosed with dementia) as likely to drive, cook, manage medication or undertake other activities that might put them in harm’s...

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Brain enzyme could prevent Alzheimer’s

Jul 16, 2016 by

Researchers at Indiana University have discovered an enzyme that appears to halt proteinopathy (a build-up of a protein called “tau”). This accumulation of protein clumps occurs in Lou Gehrig’s disease, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and ALS....

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When cooperating, men’s and women’s brains are different

Jul 14, 2016 by

When looking at the brains of men and women while cooperating, Stanford University School of Medicine researchers saw significant differences in activity depending if they were paired with someone of their own gender....

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Teens with conduct disorder have significant brain differences...

Jul 12, 2016 by

A study published in “The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry” found that compared to their peers, young males with severe antisocial behavior have significant differences in brain structure....

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A dull and dirty workplace worsens cognitive function

Jul 10, 2016 by

A Florida State University study found that both dull and dirty (mold, solvents and other chemicals) workplaces affected long-term cognition....

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Certain gut bacteria reverses autism-like behavior in mice

Jul 8, 2016 by

Using mother and offspring mice, researchers at Baylor College of Medicine looked at the role of maternal diet and gut bacteria on the social traits of offspring and found a link between certain gut bacteria and ASD behavior....

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