LearningRx1 August, 2015 | http://www.learningrx.org - Part 2

Soccer players heading balls are at increased risk of concussion...

Aug 12, 2015 by

A new study has found that heading the ball is the most common cause for soccer players to sustain a concussion....

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Playing Tetris is a “cognitive vaccine” against PTSD flashbacks...

Aug 10, 2015 by

A new study indicates that playing computer games like Tetris 24 hours after a traumatic event may reduce the occurrence of the memories....

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Stroke may accelerate long-term cognitive decline

Aug 7, 2015 by

Research has found that many stroke patients experience accelerated and persistent cognitive decline for 6 years after a stroke....

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Antidepressants linked to increased risk of brain-related birth defects...

Aug 5, 2015 by

Pregnant women using paroxetine and fluoxetine during early pregnancy have a greater risk of birth defects but the link is not the same with other SSRIs....

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ODD may correlated with aging biomarkers in preschool

Aug 3, 2015 by

Four- and five-year-olds with ODD are more likely to have shorter telomeres, something that’s typically found in aging adult cells. Shorter telomeres are linked to greater risks of chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes and cancer....

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