LearningRx1 April, 2014 | http://www.learningrx.org - Part 2

Insomniacs have more plasticity and activity in motor cortex

Apr 24, 2014 by

Researchers have discovered that insomniacs have more plasticity and activity in the area of the brain that controls movement....

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Many stroke victims under 50 end up with disabilities

Apr 23, 2014 by

New research in the journal “Stroke” says that one in three people under 50 who survive a stroke can’t live independently or need assistance with daily activities a decade later....

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Alzheimer’s now a top cause of death

Apr 22, 2014 by

A new study indicates that Alzheimer’s may contribute to almost as many deaths as heart disease and cancer, despite currently being listed as the sixth leading cause of death....

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Researcher identifies decision-making center of brain

Apr 21, 2014 by

An associate professor of psychology at the University of Georgia has identified distinct profiles of brain activity that are present when making decisions (in this case, about choosing to consume alcohol)....

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New finding in epilepsy caused by TBI

Apr 20, 2014 by

Researchers studying TBIs have found that increased levels of a specific neurotransmitter may be causing post-traumatic epilepsy....

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Liver transplant improved autism in female patient

Apr 19, 2014 by

A girl with a rare metabolic disease that causes liver failure and autism saw significant improvements in both mental and physical health after receiving a new liver....

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