LearningRx1 Mixed Methods Study on LearningRx Results for Students with Dyslexia | http://www.learningrx.org

Mixed Methods Study on LearningRx Results for Students with Dyslexia

Aug 30, 2016 by

Abstract: To assess the real-life changes following training, we surveyed parents of former clients

who had been previously diagnosed with dyslexia and later completed a LearningRx training

program. The survey results from the 109 respondents indicated that a large percentage of clients

saw classroom improvements such as faster reading, reading comprehension, and memory for

details. Almost 50% reported achieving better grades after training, and more than 50% reported

increased confidence for school. Clients also reported more positive relationships with others, more

independence in completing homework, and increased participation and performance in sports.

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Reference: Ledbetter, C., Moore, A. L. , & Mitchell, T. (2016). Mixed Methods Study on LearningRx Results for Students with Dyslexia.

Technical report in preparation.

The full results can be found in LearningRx’s 48-page 2016 edition of “Client Outcomes and Research Results.” http://www.learningrx.com/our-programs/learningrx-results/.