LearningRx1 Alzheimer's/Dementia | http://www.learningrx.org

Pets may be linked to slower cognitive decline

Mar 24, 2022 by

A preliminary study from the University of Michigan Medical Center has found that long-term pet ownership is linked to slower decline in cognition over time. The researchers believe that the potential stress-buffering effects of pet ownership could provide a...

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Being lonely more often may raise dementia risk

Mar 3, 2022 by

New research published in the journal Neurology followed dementia-free individuals for more than 10 years and found that those who felt lonely 3 or more days per week were more likely to develop dementia later. Loneliness was also linked...

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Gut health linked to cognitive function

Mar 1, 2022 by

A new study published in JAMA Neurology reports that scientists have found an association between the composition of microorganisms that inhabit the gut and cognitive health. The researchers hope that the findings will help lead to prevention or treatments...

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How Heart Health Affects Brain Health

Feb 3, 2022 by

The American Heart Association’s 2022 update to the Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics put emphasis on the bidirectional relationship between heart and brain health. For example, damage to the heart and blood vessels can increase a person’s risk of...

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The Role of Gut Bacteria on Dementia

Feb 1, 2022 by

Neurologists seem to be in agreement that the gut-brain axis plays a prominent role in cognitive health, especially when it comes to dementia. When microbes go through the digestive process, some of the byproducts enter the brain and affect...

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