LearningRx1 January, 2017 | http://www.learningrx.org

Study says women do have better memories than men

Jan 30, 2017 by

Despite experiencing a decline around menopause, women between 45 and 55 still perform better on memory tests than me....

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Probiotics may boost memory and learning in those with Alzheimer’s...

Jan 28, 2017 by

Researchers in Iran have shown that a daily dose of probiotics for three months may improve memory and thinking in people with Alzheimer’s....

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Kids get IQ from their mother

Jan 26, 2017 by

Researchers in Glasgow, Scotland have discovered that children get their IQ from their mother:...

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Boys’ and girls’ brains are affected by trauma differently...

Jan 26, 2017 by

A study of the brains of boys and girls between ages 9 and 17 found that there were differences in the fold in the brain that deals with emotion and homeostatsis. The volume and surface area of the anterior...

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How well you can smell linked to Alzheimer’s risk

Jan 24, 2017 by

A team of researchers found that adults who had poorer performance on a particular odor recognition test called POEM, where more likely to have APOE e4, which is linked to a greater risk of Alzheimer’s. They also had thinning...

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Allergies during pregnancy associated with ADHD and autism in offspring...

Jan 22, 2017 by

New research presented at Neuroscience 2016 indicates that prenatal exposure to allergens alters brain development and function, which could be a contributing factor to neurodevelopmental disorders like autism and ADHD....

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