LearningRx1 August, 2013 | http://www.learningrx.org

Identified: Key brain circuits that control compulsive drinking...

Aug 31, 2013 by

Scientists discovered a way to reduce compulsive drinking: by inhibiting key neural pathways between the prefrontal cortex and the nucleus accumbens. Although the research was done on rats, human brains are incredibly similar to rats, so the results will...

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The differences in Einstein’s brain

Aug 30, 2013 by

Einstein’s brain was average in size and structure, but it had some pretty amazing features that separated it from most of our brains; far more glial cells, high density of neurons in the cerebral cortex, and a very large...

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Getting rid of defective proteins in the brain

Aug 29, 2013 by

A recent study suggests that quickly getting rid of defective proteins in the brain prevents brain cell loss. Specifically, the speed at which these proteins are cleared may affect cell survival and may explain why certain cells are targeted...

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Three ways Kirtan Kriya helps keep your brain sharp

Aug 28, 2013 by

The Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation (ARPF) recently presented information on Kirtan Kriya (KK), a simple 12-minute singing yoga meditation. ARPF’s research found that KK had major benefits on body, mind and spirit. Here are three ways it helps...

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Combo of heavy drinking and smoking speeds of cognitive decline...

Aug 27, 2013 by

You know smoking is bad and heavy drinking is bad, but the combination of both creates a 36 percent faster cognitive decline rate compared to nonsmoking moderate drinkers....

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Keep kids engaged with educational games by changing seats often...

Aug 26, 2013 by

A study of students at a Raleigh, NC middle school found that the student actively performing the educational game was much more likely to stay engaged, but the second student would often lose focus. The research will help improve...

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