LearningRx1 September, 2012 | http://www.learningrx.org - Part 2

Gender differences in composition (writing)

Sep 18, 2012 by

A new study says girls write better than boys – and we’re not talking about handwriting. Students in 8th and 12th grade were asked to write to persuade, to explain and to convey and experience. The girls in 8th grade scored...

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Neuronal circuits in autism can be reversed

Sep 17, 2012 by

Neuronal circuits in autism can be REVERSED! When scientists studied mice that were missing neuroligin-3 (and therefore showed symptoms of autism), they found that by reactivating the production of neuroligin-3, they could reverse the “structural defects” associated with autism!...

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People with Huntington’s learn faster

Sep 15, 2012 by

People with the gene for Huntington’s Disease learn faster, and the more pronounced the mutation, the faster they learn. It seems that with Huntington’s, there’s more neurotransmitter glutamate released, which is important for learning....

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How the brain ages

Sep 14, 2012 by

There’s a new discovery in how the brain ages. Apparently, aging in neurons is much like that of the cells that divide in the skin to repair wounds. Essentially, damaged neurons damage and spoil the intact cells around them....

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Daily brushing may lower dementia risk

Sep 13, 2012 by

Daily brushing may lower dementia risk. It’s not necessarily cause and effect, but why risk it? Females (average age was 81) who didn’t practice daily brushing had a 65% greater chance of developing dementia, and men had a 22%...

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Omega-3s may help reading skills

Sep 10, 2012 by

Omega 3 may help improve kids’ reading skills. In a double-blind study, kids too 600mg per day of omega-3 DHA from algal oil for 16 weeks. Compared to the kids who took the placebo, the lowest tenth of the...

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